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Selecting the right horse care & grooming products can make all the difference to your horse’s health and appearance, and equally important is maintaining your saddle and leather accessories in top condition.

We recommend using the filters for a more personalised search to find products for your horse care and grooming issues or best leather care products. Some great filter options include coat care with further choices for everyday or intensive shampoo options or alternatively leather care with personalised product solutions for conditioning or cleaning leather saddles.

NEW FLYGARD® Protector

NEW FLYGARD® Protector

Our NEW FLYGARD® Protector is a heavy duty stable spray for protecting your horse’s environment from irritating flying and biting insects.

NEW FLYGARD® Extra Strength Gel

NEW FLYGARD® Extra Strength Gel

We've developed a solution to reduce reliance on a spray and still keep flies away from your horse. Our brand NEW FLYGARD® Extra Strength Gel.

FLYGARD® Extra Strength

FLYGARD® Extra Strength

Extra Strength Insect Repellent is our most powerful formula. This effective formula gives maximum protection from midges and biting insects.



An effective, long lasting, summer spray. This water based formula contains citronella oils for long lasting protection, during the summer months.



Citromax has a natural water-based formula containing citriodiol for safe, long-lasting protection. Repels midges and all flying and biting insects.