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Selecting the right horse care & grooming products can make all the difference to your horse’s health and appearance, and equally important is maintaining your saddle and leather accessories in top condition.

We recommend using the filters for a more personalised search to find products for your horse care and grooming issues or best leather care products. Some great filter options include coat care with further choices for everyday or intensive shampoo options or alternatively leather care with personalised product solutions for conditioning or cleaning leather saddles.

Gallop® Medicated Shampoo

Gallop® Medicated Shampoo

Gallop® Medicated Shampoo is a high specification formula ideal for dry, flaky, itchy, scurfy and sensitive skin.



Proven to prevent sweet itch. AVM-GSL licensed product with active ingredient benzyl benzoate in a soothing lotion, specially formulated for horses.



A soothing, non-greasy lotion derived from plant extracts including Lemongrass, Marigold, Geranium and Menthol Oils, to calm and cool irritated skin on horses troubled by itching.

Protection Plus

Protection Plus

This pink ointment with a citronella scent has numerous uses. A salve to protect and waterproof wounds that is ideal to act as a barrier against mud fever and similar conditions. A tack box essential.

Wound Cream

Wound Cream

Advanced, scientific formula allows the skin to breathe freely and heal ‘correctly’ in beneficial moist conditions, helping to reduce healing time of minor cuts, scratches and abrasions.