Finding the right horse care and grooming products is so important for your horse’s best health and a top-grade turn-out. Equally important is ensuring the maintenance of your saddle and leather accessories.

Why not explore by utilizing our filtering options to refine your search to find the perfect solutions? View best horse care products tailored to address specific horse care and grooming needs, including coat care with choices from everyday to intensive shampoo for horses options. Additionally, browse through our leather care range, featuring best products for conditioning and cleaning leather saddles.

Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Moisturiser

Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Moisturiser

Primarily for use in dry conditions, the Advanced, water-based formulation penetrates deep into the hoof horn to aid moisture replacement.

Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Barrier

Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Barrier

Advanced formulation creates ‘one way barrier’ to protect from excessive absorption of water and urine.

Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Dressing

Cornucrescine Daily Hoof Dressing

A nourishing dressing based on the original Cornucrescine formula as a minimum requirement for hoof care. Suitable for all hoof types and ideal for daily use. Contains an integral, quality brush for easy application.

Cornucrescine Original Hoof Ointment

Cornucrescine Original Hoof Ointment

A unique, traditional formula used and trusted for generations. Massage into the coronet band to promote healthy hoof growth. Maintains optimum hoof condition and aids re-structuring & growth of the hoof.